//EXTRACT JOB //* //* Zowe Open Source Project //* This JCL will prepare the download-package for installation. //* //* Caution: This is neither a JCL procedure nor a complete job. //* Therefore, before using this sample, you will need to //* make changes as described. //* //* Converting the download-package on your desktop to the data sets //* used by SMP/E to install the function consists of the following //* steps: //* 1. (optional) Create and mount a z/OS UNIX file system to hold //* the download-package when it is uploaded to the host. Sample //* job FILESYS (commented out) is provided in this file. //* 2. Upload the download-package to the host. Sample FTP instructions //* are provided in this file. //* 3. Extract the uploaded download-package to create the data sets //* used by SMP/E to install the function. This file is the sample //* job for that. //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Make the following updates before using this JCL when you have //* copied it to your MVS system //* //* - Provide valid job card information //* Note that there are two job cards (EXTRACT and FILESYS) in //* this JCL //* //* - Change: //* @PREFIX@ //* ----+----1----+----2 //* - To your desired data set name prefix //* - Maximum length is 20 characters //* - This value is used for the names of the //* data sets extracted from the download-package //* @zfs_path@ //* ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5 //* - To the absolute z/OS UNIX path for the download //* package (starting with /) //* - Maximum length is 50 characters //* - Do not include a trailing / //* @zfs_dsn@ //* - To your file system data set name //* - This is used only if you intend to run the //* commented-out job, FILESYS //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Step 1. Create a directory for the download-package //* //* You can either create a new z/OS UNIX file system (zFS) or create //* a new directory in an existing file system. The directory that //* will contain the download-package must reside on the z/OS system //* where the function will be installed. //* //* To create a new file system, and directory, for the download //* package, you can use the sample JCL (FILESYS), which follows. //* Copy and paste the sample JCL into a separate data set, uncomment //* the job, and modify the job to update required parameters before //* submitting it. //* //*----------------------------------------------------------------- //* //FILESYS JOB //* //* //* //*************************************************************** //* //* This job must be updated to reflect your environment. //* //* This sample: //* //* . Allocates a new z/OS UNIX file system //* //* . Creates a mount point directory //* //* . Mounts the file system //* //* //* //* - Provide valid job card information //* //* - Change: //* //* @zfs_path@ //* //* ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5 //* //* - To the absolute z/OS UNIX path for the download //* //* package (starting with /) //* //* - Maximum length is 50 characters //* //* - Do not include a trailing / //* //* @zfs_dsn@ //* //* - To your file system data set name //* //* //* //* Your userid MUST be defined as a SUPERUSER to successfully //* //* run this job //* //* //* //*************************************************************** //* //* //* //CREATE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT) //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //SYSIN DD * //* DEFINE CLUSTER ( - //* NAME(@zfs_dsn@) - //* TRK(17570 1757) - //* /*VOLUME(volser)*/ - //* LINEAR - //* SHAREOPTIONS(3) - //* ) //* //* //* // SET ZFSDSN='@zfs_dsn@' //* //FORMAT EXEC PGM=IOEAGFMT,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT), //* // PARM='-aggregate &ZFSDSN -compat' //* //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IOE.SIOELMOD before z/OS 1.13 //* //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.SIEALNKE from z/OS 1.13 //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //* //* //MOUNT EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT) //* //SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.SBPXEXEC //* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //* //SYSTSIN DD * //* PROFILE MSGID WTPMSG //* oshell umask 0022; + //* mkdir -p @zfs_path@ //* MOUNT + //* FILESYSTEM('@zfs_dsn@') + //* MOUNTPOINT('@zfs_path@') + //* MODE(RDWR) TYPE(ZFS) PARM('AGGRGROW') //* //* //*----------------------------------------------------------------- //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Step 2. Make the download-package files available to the host //* //* The two files to be uploaded and processed on the host system are: //* a) AZWE001.readme.txt (this file) //* This is a sample job that executes the z/OS UNIX System //* Services pax command to extract package archives. This job //* also executes the GIMUNZIP program to expand the package //* archives so that the data sets can be processed by SMP/E. //* //* b) AZWE001.pax.Z //* This pax archive file holds the SMP/E MCS and RELFILEs. //* //* IMPORTANT: //* This file must reside in the directory created in Step 1. //* //* There are many ways to transfer the files or make them available //* to the z/OS system where the package will be installed. An example //* using FTP is provided below. This assumes that the z/OS host is //* configured as an FTP host/server and that the workstation is an //* FTP client. //* //* IMPORTANT: //* The AZWE001.pax.Z //* file must be uploaded to the z/OS driving system //* in binary format, or the subsequent UNPAX step will fail. //* //* Sample FTP upload scenario: //* //* From your workstation COMMAND PROMPT panel //* - enter: ftp your_host_system_name //* - login with your userid and password //* - enter: cd @zfs_path@ //* - enter: ascii //* - enter: put AZWE001.readme.txt //* - enter: binary //* - enter: put AZWE001.pax.Z //* - enter: quit //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Step 3. After you have uploaded the files to your host system //* //* a. Customize the job provided in //* AZWE001.readme.txt //* - This is file you are reading //* //* b. Submit the modified job //* This job will create the SMPMCS and RELFILE data sets for use //* by the SMP/E RECEIVE job. //* - The UNPAX step expand the download file into the individual //* archive files that make up the download-package. The component //* archive files are expanded into the same directory where //* the download file resides. //* - The GIMUNZIP step step extracts the FMID(s) and related //* materials from the archive files and places them in data sets. //* //* c. Install the function via SMP/E using the instructions in the //* program directory. //* //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //* - Change: //* @PREFIX@ //* ----+----1----+----2 //* - To your desired data set name prefix //* - Maximum length is 20 characters //* - This value is used for the names of the //* data sets extracted from the download-package //* @zfs_path@ //* ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5 //* - To the absolute z/OS UNIX path for the download //* package (starting with /) //* - Maximum length is 50 characters //* - Do not include a trailing / //* //* Note: If the 'oshell' command has a RC=256 and message //* "pax: checksum error on tape (got ee2e, expected 0)", then the //* AZWE001.pax.Z //* archive file was not uploaded to the host in binary format. //UNPAX EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT) //SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.SBPXEXEC //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * oshell cd @zfs_path@/ ; + pax -rvf AZWE001.pax.Z //* //* Note: GIMUNZIP allocates data sets to match the definitions of //* the original data sets. You may encounter errors if your SMS ACS //* routines alter the attributes used by GIMUNZIP. //* If this occurs, specify a non-SMS managed volume for the //* GIMUNZIP allocation of the data sets. For example: //* //GIMUNZIP EXEC PGM=GIMUNZIP,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT) //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(50,10)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(25,5)) //SMPOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SMPDIR DD PATHDISP=KEEP, // PATH='@zfs_path@/' //SYSIN DD * //*